ZONES 2.0 Indicator

Buy signal: arrow-up in green.
Sell signal: arrow-down in red.
Simply follow the real-time buy & sell signals to make profits.

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Why you need the BG Order Flow Zones 2.0 Indicator.

Green Triangles are Buy signals.
Red Triangles are Sell signals.

Buy on theGreen Triangle
Sell on the Red Triangle

Up Trend - Blue Candles
Down Trend - Red Candles
Sideways - Yellow Candles

• Order Flow Zones identifies trend direction by color: Blue signals an UP trend, red signals a DOWN trend.
• Green or Red Triangles are Printed so your clearly identified entry and Exits
• Order Flow Zones is designed to help you stay in the big move and manage your stop loss.

Order Flow zones reveals the market's direction, and its key support and resistance. With this information, you can know:
• When to Enter the Market
• How to Manage Your Position
• When/How to Exit the Market
• Signals Help you to Actively Reduce Risk, from the Beginning to the End of Your Trade

  • Green and Red shaded area is Adjustable Range for the VWAP.
  • Plots Up to 4 different standard deviation bands.
  • Colorize VWAP to show up / downtrend.
  • Works on any market.
  • Works on any timeframe.
  • Works with any bar type.