BSG Blue Chip Global is universal: it works with any market and with any time interval. It does not matter whether the market trades stocks, bonds, futures, Forex or any other freely traded market. It works well with Position trading, Swing trading or Day trading.
Buy on the Blue Dot : Exit when price reaches Horizontal Blue Line
Sell on the Red Dot : Exit when price reaches Horizontal Red Line
Blue Apex Triangles: Triangle is always to the LEFT of the Blue or Red Dot. = Your STOP is always 1 Tick BELOW the Base of the Triangle.
RED Apex Triangles: Triangle is always to the LEFT of the Blue or Red Dot. = Your STOP is always 1 Tick ABOVE the Base of the Triangle.
• BSG BLUE CHIP identifies trend direction by color: Blue signals an UP trend, Red signals a DOWN trend.
• STOPS are indicated by Blue Or Red Triangle, Placing your stop at the base of the Triangle.
• Blue or Red Printed Lines are your clearly identified Targets
• The BSG BLUE CHIP is designed to help you stay in the big move, yet not get stopped out.
BuySide Global reveals the market's direction, and its key support and resistance. With this information, you can know:
• When to Enter the Market
• How to Manage Your Position
• When/How to Exit the Market
• Signals Help you to Actively Manage Risk, from the Beginning to the End of Your Trade