
Learn to Day Trade the Futures Market.

  • Our Software Tells you when to Buy and When to sell. No more guessing.
  • Our Live Trading Room teaches you how to trade these markets.

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Can BSG help me become a Profitable Trader?

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve looked up to the seemingly all-knowing titans of industry working the stock markets with such confidence. Every year, I told myself I would get started in investing, but it was hard to find the time and place to get started, what with working a full-time job and not really having any mentors to help guide me.

Once I was in my late twenties, I finally had enough saved up to start dabbling in the markets. I wanted to be one of those confident investors talking about my portfolio, so I educated myself in the universities of Google and YouTube.

Sometimes I made money. Sometimes I lost it. No matter how much I tried to read online, I could only get so far. I felt stuck. I wanted to reach the next level but had no idea how to get there. I felt like a little kid closing his eyes and randomly clicking buttons. Even when I was cashing out, I didn’t feel in control. I didn’t want to rely on “dumb luck” anymore.

Then I learned about BuySide Global. My life has never been the same...

What Is BuySide Global?

BuySide Global is a GENIUS combination of Live Trading Room, Market Indicators, and A.I. AutoTrader software. This is a winning combination that gives you the edge you are looking for.

The Live Trading Room gives you access to a community of Active Traders just like you. A unique platform where traders discuss and exchange ideas while learning and trading together. That’s what the Trading Room is like.

I also highly recommend picking up BuySide Global’s A.I. AutoTrader. I’m sure you’ve heard about all of the big advances being made in machine learning in the news. Well guess who uses that technology more than anyone? You guessed it: all the biggest traders in the market. Basically if you’re not using A.I. in your trading, you’re 10 steps behind everyone else.

Live Trading Room Impressions

The Number 1 Rule for new traders: Never Trade Alone. Why? Because you are dealing with money, and naturally that makes it emotional. TRADING on emotions will lead to losses, and I mean BIG losses. I no longer worry about that for one reason: the Live Trading Room.


When I started using BuySide Global's Trading Room, I could instantly tell I was in a place full of knowledgeable mentors. It’s a community of Active Traders sharing ideas and knowledge, and supporting one another. This gave me the confidence to know I wasn’t going to make a stupid trade and lose all my money in one move.

When I finally got the courage to speak up, everyone was incredibly welcoming. They taught me that by having a strong community of traders, we all do better.

I really recommend you make use of the daily mentors. That’s right, you get mentors, real people that show you step by step exactly how to make the right trades at the right time. They even screenshare so you can learn EXACTLY how they do it in real-time!

And it didn’t end there… At the end of each mentorship session there’s a live Q&A, so if you have a question you can get it answered on the spot. And my favorite part, you get top picks before trading starts every morning so you’re ready to get in on the action ahead of the curve.

With the Live Trading Room, I’ve learned lessons about the market that I would have NEVER gotten anywhere else. Between the knowledge I’ve gleaned from mentors, the daily top picks, and the live Q&A sessions, the Live Trading Room has already paid for itself many times over.

I’ve Never Seen Indicators This Accurate

BuySide Global also gives you powerful market indicators, and hooks you up with powerful trading software to use them. Imagine knowing exactly what the most knowledgeable banks, insurance companies, and hedge funds are doing in real time. Yeah, that’s exactly how it feels.

You get to see price moves BEFORE they even happen. You’ll know in real-time what the Smart Money is doing. That’s the genius part! If you know what the Institutional Traders are doing, then you’ll have a crystal clear idea of where the market’s going day to day.

I love that BuySide Global helps me identify trading opportunities clearly and graphically by displaying color changes showing changes in price, volume, and trends.

Plus, the software is visually stunning and easy to use. The trading charts are clean, simple, and informative. Clear graphic displays and color changes correspond with important market changes.


I work full-time, so the indicators and notifications really freed my time up to spend on my work, and with my family. The indicators are so clear - even a beginner can understand them! I get accurate Buy, Sell, and Stop signals in real-time, and I’m regularly shocked at how accurate they are.

Without BuySide Global, I’d Have Been Lost

Trust me, I’ve been that guy trying to watch the news and look at stock tickers trying to figure out what was going on with absolutely no guidance. BuySide Global helped me stop my “blind trading”.

I’ve been making money every day with this program. Every. Single. Day. I’ve been profitable on 4 out of 5 of my last trades. It’s mind-blowing how accurate the program signals have been for me so far.


BuySide Global’s software has given me the ability to make a real living just doing day trades. And using the Live Trading Room feels like I’ve hit some secret cheat code, something too good to be true. It’s a complete game changer.

Final Verdict: You Need It

BuySide Global has totally changed the way I make trades. Everything is so straightforward and clear. If you follow the signals, you win. It’s really that easy.

I was looking for something to push me to that next level as a trader. I found that and so much more with BuySide Global. The tools they offer are unmatched.

In these volatile times, it’s easy to think that you can’t make money making trades. You’d be wrong. I used to think the same thing, but the community in the Live Trading Room showed me how to make even more money in this crazy market!

Trust me, if you want to be a real trader, you need BuySide Global. Do yourself a favor and try it out.